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Mar 21, 1976 – Anaheim, CA, US

4 thoughts on “Mar 21, 1976 – Anaheim, CA, US”

  1. Lisa says:

    I was at the Anaheim show! It was my second concert ever (I was 14). It is still one of the most memorable concerts I’ve ever been to, as well as my first WHO live performance. I remember Keith Moon wearing an Angels uniform shirt. I actually had a Kodak instamatic camera and took photos from the shoulders of some guy. I was on the grass just feet from the stage – I remember falling once in the crowd, never knowing how dangerous it could be at stadium concerts – had my fist “smoke” at the concert too! Ahhh – growing up with the WHO 🙂

  2. Ty hastings says:

    Traveled down from Oregon with some school mates. I was 16 and have been big fan all my life. Met the boys in Portland back stage thanks to a photo pass. Keith was one of the nicest guys I ever met from an A league band but man did he down the booze. Cheers

  3. Charles says:

    My second Who concert!

  4. Pamela Granger says:

    They had to stop the concert because people
    were rocking in the second level; you could see the cement riser moving! Keith Moon was
    phenomenal; throwing drumsticks out to the
    audience, all the while drumming away.
    I was still in high school. I went on to see
    many memorable gigs in my hometown (L.A.),
    but this one made quite an impression, with
    90,000 plus attending.

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