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Dec 8, 1975 – Cincinnati, OH, US

1 thought on “Dec 8, 1975 – Cincinnati, OH, US”

  1. Steve says:

    Best show I’ve ever seen live. Went to the show by accident really, not being a “huge” WHO fan back then. Arrived at the Coliseum late as Toots and they Maytalls were performing. Had to sit in an isle directly in the center of the areaa, but as far away from the stage as one could sit. Fans got bored as Toots played on, and the crowd began chanting “OOH, OOH, OOH,OOH.”
    They stomed off the stage angry and frustrated.
    The Who came on and were completly mind blowing!!! Like I said, I was as far from the stage as one could sit, but the sound was extremely loud, BUT EXTREMELY CLEAR. The band was in top form (in my book) and will never forget the raw energy and wonderful performances by the band. (Call me crazy, but I’ve been told that the Who had never performed “Goin’ Mobile” live, but I am thinking that Pete sang it this night. I may be wrong and it could have been “However Much I Booz”, but my memory of this night is pretty clear. I walked out of that show absolutely stunned by what I just witnessed, and still am amazed today.
    I’ve seen The Who several more times in later years, and again, were awesome live, but this night in 1975 was as memorable of a concert that I’ve ever witnessed.

    Thanks for the memories!!!

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