11 Jan 2016
David Bowie

Woke up to the awful news that my lovely friend David Bowie passed away. I am so deeply sad, but he just completed a radical and audacious new album, and that is a great thing. Personally I am grateful to him for doing it.
For those who were his fans he was a charismatic and exotic creature and still gloriously beautiful even as he approached 70. But face to face he was funny, clever, well-read, excited by the arts, and really good company.
In a Japanese restaurant we once ate tiny live crabs sent over to our table by a businessman fan. David said we must try, out of courtesy. I wouldn’t have done it with anyone else on the planet. Delicious, of course.
He was simply a joy to be around, so good at making everyone feel at ease. I’m sorry to hear it was cancer that got him. I knew he had been ill for several years but didn’t know the details. My thoughts now go to his family and close ones, and to so many of his fans who will be beyond distraught today. We have lost a monumental figurehead of the British arts scene. We have also lost a wonderful clown whose combined sense of mischief and creativity delightedly touched our hearts. David Bowie was my Salvador Dali. He was also one facet of my perfect Ace Face.
Pete Townshend
11 January 2016
Beautiful words of tribute. I feel shocked and almost very…frightened…by the loss of his elegant genius and avant-garde creative mind. So very few are left. I am sad, and so sorry for the loss of your friend, Pete.
With love,
Eileen C.
Grateful for your ability to respond so caring and refreshingly. We’ve lost an artist.
~gina b.
Bravooooo… What a perfect description… “Salvador Dalí”. Brilliant. Regards from Mexico.
Yes indeed a lovely tribute.Too young for Mr Bowie to go!
Brilliantly put Pete. Your words are so meaningful just like the inspirational lyrics of your amazingly wonderfully unique mucic
Well said, Pete! RIP, David. You will be greatly missed.
Horrible news! Just saw new video Friday for Lazarus and loved it!!! When I opened Yahoo this morning and saw his picture I assumed it was praise for the new recordings. What a shock!!!
I’ll have to go back and read that chapter in your book, Pete about the time Tommy came out and David walked up to you in the streets in London and told how he was inspired.
Let’s get pretentious. An extremely generous offer to model David Bowie as an Ace Face and I see that and I’m sure he is Smiling down with it. We commoners have absolutely no idea the relationships you Artist have and I am for one am so envious. David (Jones) Bowie was/is so prescience and so are you Pete! Keep on Working. Keep on Working!
Well said Pete, a big loss indeed. David Bowie, while David Jones clerked a bit @ Track in the beginning I thought, if so what a wonderful story.
He ushered in glam rock and became the voice of theatrical rock. It’s little wonder that you and Bowie hit it off. I’m sorry for all of us and our great loss. I can’t wait to hear what he left us to listen to.
Let’s dance, under the serious moonlight and celebrate his artistic contributions to this world. Sure influenced my life. Part of my world is gone now.
Lovely words – a treasure is lost.
Pete, so sorry. Again the world has lost an amazing soul. I enjoyed reading your memories. xo
So sorry now. Wonderful words Pete.
Michael Alshuk
Mr Bowie is a f*****g legend and I’ve loved his work since I was 13 or 14 back in the 70’s.. my older brother (1 year older) painted his room black and had a massive Aladdin Sane lightning strike on the wall.. I’m sure lots of kids at that time had this stuff.. I loved Bowie because of my brother, but I also got into Punk / New Wave at that time, and then in the late 70’s I got into the Mod revival thing and when I saw Quadrophenia the movie in late 79 it all changed, and it’s never been the same the same since… I hadn’t seen the earlier album from 73, I was too young.. the movie was amazing, I loved it, but when I listened to the album later it kinda resonated much more than the movie, and I still listen to it today.. I listen to this album frequently, the lyrics hit a chord, and this is the best music The Who ever created. It’s taken a long time for me to realise how talented The Who are, and how beautiful their music and lyrics are. And so we come on to Keith John Moon, and I have to say he was the BEST rock drummer to ever come out of the UK.. I was a drummer back in the day and then I believed Keith was a show-man, spinning his sticks and stuff, but having listened to the entire Who back catalogue, I now appreciate just how BRILLIANT he was as a percussionist, so FAST and TIGHT. Hopefully will be seeing The Who in Manchester UK in 2020.